Thursday, November 17, 2011

So I'm back

Without periods I return like one but I only plan on making that trip once.. Placed on the right path.. Smile cause my life flashed.. Watched a pastor preach til my eyes started spazzin... Then through my back assed a cold shiver.. Could've sworn that was a devil in em'.. Thank you for forgivin.. Coulda been lost but you put back on the right track... For now on I'll try my best to prove .. With you I have nothing to loose. Love.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello I'm tired of this shit,..

GEt off of me! Now! before I spaz on you
.. lied a couple times to me but now I found who you are and what you do.
make up some lies that's not the truth. tried to break me but you'll never get to do it
I'm a King and I can prove it. Watch me flip you off and do what I do daily

every fucking day I talk to you for guidance... seems there's no problem but there's no one in my pilot
i despise my tries . why not just kill me?
I don't fancy torture . rather be taken out by aerial warfare.
what if i did it myself? would i excel or go to hell? FUCK IT
seems like a trap.
doesnt make me an evil person but someone who's tired of devouring scraps and told to smile while he naps.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Daily Freestyle..

Different women I guess I need em all............
ya love em' ya leave em' leavin ya tylenol .....

my Migraines got me tippin sideways..
always confused with the rules of this time stage...

For five days deletin my myspace..........
I twitter literally these birds are out here killin me.....

Friday, February 25, 2011

... and he's officially back.. Where's the red Notebook? B)

No matter how dark it gets the light it gets less obvious
i'm back to the state of mind that I started with
lines scripted at random writin hard so my arm gets
sore and kinda heavy steady scratchin of this paper

I guess the ink missed me Jerry could never imitate
I illustrate pages with words let me demonstrate
The red will have you menestrating concentrate the hardest
my vomit will have you nausous different colors swirlin
I'm an earthworm when I'm diggin in this garbage
but this Garbage' called knowledge some may disagree heavily
but I'm ready so go head of me I'm racin for the levels til I exit see..

so since there's no glamour I guess I have to make it
its been a long time and fuck it i'm sick of watin ...


Shockingly ?.. O_o Freestyle from Nizzy #Legitimate

colla poppin it
I'm off to sse the wizard but not conversatin with the opposites

I'm nasty like a spider bit me now I've got an eye that itches
fuck the world but pay me in gold so I can die in riches..
A smile so sinister it's like a canister on a fur rug
flammible gas liquid will burn if you tip over the urn blaow!!

Venom subsides in me.. So I am no longer empty
the creative process that constructed me is on repeat
i can't believe i'm violent rippin condoms skeetin on ya sheets
Ya mouth is open wider bitch my nonsense only reach'd its peek

the tip is always gorgeous lookin down at all the people..
the door is always seethrough so in fact we are not equal
so I'm bussin down the door slappin champagne out ya hand
so sit clear to understand that isnt a demand ..I just want you to know my name..
maybe then you'd understand..


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I was Wrong by Nizzy'..

I Guess you can call this a video for it..... at the same time you can call it a preview. This is just a track I did a while back when I was just messin around with Garageband. Stay tuned for my real music B).... subscribe to me on Youtube to be the first to hear it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

..This is od Funny/ me..

Wiz Khalifa DayToday Episode 6 "Waken Baken" (Wiz Wildin Out! Clownin With A Fake Hand, Smoking Mad Trees, Rockin A Ski Mask Doing A Goon Impersonation + More)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

..My Baby ..

beautiful name.. and so is she
lips they tease me but now they're free

sweet kisses engulfed in a memory
wrapped in a melody
sweeter than lemon tea..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"See you in the mornin" by Nizzy'..

(Instrumental Freestyle to "In the Morning" by J Cole... Track for this and more coming soon!)

She got that summer time shine

never cease to gleam
beamin that summertime dime
never too far away so i keep her on my mind
my rhymes i take my time never a slip but quick to those lips i admire
she's beautiful and she's worth it
and I'm devoted to all of her service
though her smile it makes me nervous
there's no imperfects in her curve .....i can't believe it
why can't i get you off my mind?....

maybe I'm just blind have i seen you before?
maybe you flew past me like meteor... are you sure?
maybe I'm not? you see you got me paranoid
avoiding your existence is something i can't afford
maybe I'm just bored I'm too sure to be playin
your name can't ring bells if it aint said you give me migranes when i dream about ya frame
wake up in cold sweats but the need to see you babe it just alleviate my pain
til then I'm just insane you make just seeing you a game
but I'll get all the achievements just point me to where the leader is
I'll make you a believer ye...

don't matter if ya moanin as long as I can see you yawnin
but noneoftheless as long as I see you in the mornin..

Thursday, January 20, 2011

..This is older than the one below me..

‎..Is it wrong?.. To admire the features before the product. Often times I get excited from the site of it but then even more enlighten by the mind behind it/you. Chocolate Goddess, what's your mileage? I'm noddin at the side but I'd rather hold ya waist..or your thighs so you can guide me....
22 hours ago · Privacy: · ·

..A rememberable Free-written poem from.... Facebook..

I don't judge a female for anything except what I already know... The certain ones I do point out are already exposed.. So it's hard to catch my attention cause I am looking for more.. ....So my mistakes are never repeated.. try your best not to be heated when that ring is never answered ..That call was never completed... B).. 'Nizzy'
4 minutes ago · Privacy: · ·

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

..Not a poem.... ......I just thought this was B)

These three little kids are know as The Art of Technique (TAT)

Lie and say this wasn't iLL!
I can't wait.. B) Unfinished freestyle to 'The Cool'..

.... So one day I was listening to Lupe Fiasco's "Food and Liquor" album and I ran into the track called 'The cool'. I was feeling some kind of way so I decided to freestyle to it.... ...but I never Before you start scratching your head here's a quick overview on what Lupe's track is about: A character by the name of Michael Young History wakes up from the dead(in his coffin) and proceeds to doing the same thing he's always been accustomed to. Same mind-state as before he died. But by the end of the track he's shot by the same dude's who robbed him. He says only one thing "Hustle for death, no heaven for a gangster" .. Here's what I had written so far:

Rerise Like the cool indeed
rustlin leaves
Gold chain still hanging still fresh to the T
now brushin off the end of my sleeves
proceed to walkin

..Wishin upon a Hershey Kiss B)..

I'm infatuated with your body
Dark chocolate mocha you give me the itis
as long as I can sleep in your lap..

A Goddess and a Queen I wouldn't share you for halloween
cause these wishes for hershey kisses got me stingy...

I have to man up that I fall for your kind Beautiful women isn't a crime
Incomparable to anybody famous cause you're nameless
Your eyes are hazel.. It's as if you were dipped in cocoa
I go crazy when I think about this candy frame..
..Drool falling..
Wouldn't blink for minutes..
Only to find out that she has a center..

Delicate handling ensures you don't break..
but remove the wrapper...
taste test first then a snack comes after
the body melts from the first touch..
devoured piece by piece
licked til overflowed.. but eh thighs where the prize is..
and with those holds a flavor even sweeter..
I'll be sure to find out what it is when I meet ya... .. .

What's on your mind Weeble?..O_o

Lensless shades and a sharpee
Black ink and a pen is the art
Black hoodie matches the recesses of my mind

Unlimited dreams.. no part shines the brightest but the ending scene
All of these things are necessities to me
compiled heavily it's everything I need to breathe
To bleed too
so when I gasp know that something is missing....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free-writing..feeling enlightning..

As if there is a crazed lion roaring from behind my shoulder..
pushing me every 2 seconds as my body jerks forward.. I want to run
But it's not time yet.. My anticipation has me blind but my mindset.. keeps me company

knowing that I can control this.. That lion can be tamed..
he can't maim me If I tame this beast that lurks in the shadowy depths of my stomach. he'll only change me
I'm blinded by that light that keeps you going on the street
I pass on all three ...even Red's when I speed..
I powerwalk on yellow but Green's when I'm weak..
...Cause by that time I've already sprinted to the top of my peak..

Another Throwback from the Book of Faces..

The best reaction...

by Jer' Mackey on Thursday, December 23, 2010 at 4:28pm

Always woke up to the same reality.

everything floatin by me casually til I noticed


Love, lust and linger were foreign to me

definitions couldn't find me..

all those shadows that I dreamed about were just cardboard cutouts ,

prefferated lines, cut along and you'll find what's behind.

All these post ups of these notes couldnt change the fact that I couldn't articulate what I see

not to get all mushy but please excuse me.. my eyes never lie..

maybe I was lookin at 'Amy' the wrong way..

all these personifications ..sonic is in the middle.. so my mind was lost away

It'll be a while til I get to

anxiety subside in me but I'll live through

no more khida'

no more Nizzy'..

maybe the glasses will disappear ..

maybe.. -_-.. no promises.

this poem from the top to the bottom is just an acknowledgement ..

Love to the one who's pondering..-_-..



..Throback from Faceback... I mean Facebook...

Delete Me!!!!!!! ...please?

by Jer' Mackey on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 9:38pm

..heh.... I don't need to write this down for this to take relevance.. I call you a bitch cause of your facade and all its relevance... I wish I could spit a flame from miles away but i doubt you would feel it in ya climate.. I'm heartless so I don't mind it if you try to lie to my face ...To be honest I was never blinded.. I don't subliminal name call .. you feelin special? guess who and I'll answer just to let you know...

What's good for today?... //Hmm?

Been awake for 3 days straight
The only irony is that this ideology's not matching with my mind-state.
Mind rape I tell you
Rather become a gynecologist and stick my full honestness inside of this problem
Riding without a condom, so now I'm a father and it's kinda bothersome

Nocturnal as I am, I look to the sky and wonder "God, is this the way I was suppose to be found."
Blessed without an answer.
It's even harder to write a poem now , ..aside from all the quoting down,
so now I'm just gonna free-write every time I feel the motive now.
Promise to keep it simple without an instrumental but my name will forever be framed long as the theory hit you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

..A mental spit to 9am in Dallas but 1Pm in Queens...

This poetic logic
hard enough to find the strength to find it
even longer to write it
this renaissanc of knowledge
I work the best when I'm depressed so I accept it
but next up is the spaceship so don't forget it
All alone style born out the depths of aggrivation
Blackness of the ink stands for the chained up motivation
put down casually gotten up slowly
no matter what the outcome is
victory will console me
standing at the top looking down at the bottom
during that celebration both the bottles and the opportunities 'll have something in common
riled up by those super silent sounds
maybe everybody's whisperin
whether I care or not I'm obviously aware
but what's obvious is the glare and the volume they're missin
never been the type to speak
I'm pennin all this tension
written so much shit but the beginning's always mentioned
never ended but I plan to
contradicted with my name so I changed too
you'll never recognize me cause I'm not the same dude
my mind block is gone
the sweetest things I've always known
candy ideas and thoughts
Now and laters when they roam
Grown tired of poems discussin everything that's wrong
rereadin as if the words'll take flight
comforted with the wrongs now I'm headed for the rights
what to 21
Operation Celebratin Life!
Dragged through the dirt to now standin on a board
so I'm grindin on the tile

Tokyo driftin my own destiny it never came with any instructions
or Manual no more introductions
This is . . ...