Wednesday, February 10, 2010

...Ambitions of Kisses ...

Why does this Love Keep Me Constricted
at the same time
every sentence adds a piece to the puzzle
I know that If I can't figure myself out. .
Whatever's written is my analyzation
I crave for the taste and then brace for the pavement
I'm always dropped off on a sense of contempt
my heartfelt passions keeps my hand goin and my pen flowin. .
I leave myself vulnerable when I feel for the best
tho I always get left behind with worst
unfair and unimaginable. .
I lust for the Tangible. . .
I yearn for the sense that one day I will have it. .
. . . .
There's really no way to end this
cause in my Mind all that exists are sentence. .
. .I'm tempted. . .
The Kiss keeps me tempted. .
Forever's what is missin. . .

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